A Job You’ll Love
There are many reasons our educators find their work so rewarding. But one we hear a lot is the freedom Kindermusik offers. You decide how much you want to workfull- or part-time, days or evenings, during the school year only or year-round. You determine your income goals, so you can earn whatever you want, wherever your ambition takes you. You can do what you love and still balance the other priorities in your life.
You can make all your own business decisions independently, such as setting your own schedule and class fees, choosing your location and inviting children and their parents to your classes. Or if you want to teach without any administrative responsibilities, you may even be able to work for another Kindermusik educator. It’s all up to you.
Low Risk / Minimal Investment
Kindermusik is not a franchise, so start up costs are low and there are no ongoing royalty payments. You do not have to provide Kindermusik with a percentage of your income. Your only payments are for training, instruments/props for classes, an annual license fee and teaching and home materials. You sell the home materials on to parents to cover your costs of these. Start up costs are easily recovered in the first few months of teaching a few classes. You are also free to teach wherever you want and can take the license with you if you move areas.
Quality brand
And as a licensed Kindermusik educator, you know you’re backed by the world’s most carefully researched, developmentally based musical learning programme for children. So you can promote your classes with the strength of a name trusted by parents all over the world.
“The perfect business opportunity”….
“Teaching Kindermusik is the perfect job for me. It combines my love of music with the business skills I acquired in my previous career”
Join us now and be teaching by Summer
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